Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I could have said no, but I'm glad I didn't....

Pastor Randy approached me a couple weeks ago and asked if I would help coordinate the kitchen efforts during the banquet for the 9th grade confirmation students. These kids have been on a journey for 2 years in preparation for their confirmation and tonight they gathered for a meal with their families.

I've heard much about the movie "Yes Man" lately and recently watched. Jim Carey's character takes the whole concept of saying "YES" to everything a little far, but ultimately it brought many opportunities into his life he would not have experienced if he had stayed in his "fearful" sheltered life.

OK, back to Pastor Randy's request. Just for a brief second after the request was made I ran through all the reasons I "couldn't" help. It wasn't that I couldn't. The question I had to ask myself was, "Am I willing?" Of course I COULD help coordinate a kitchen. For gosh sakes I coordinate a household every day. For just a brief second excuses flashed before me and within a split second I said, "I can do that."

Little did I know at the time, that Pastor Randy was training 2 more parish members that he could ADD to his "trained" kitchen disciplines. I am sure I will get another request in the future.

Serving others is GOOD. It brings meaning to my life and besides I do I like to boss and direct people around (nicely of course).

I could have said no, but I'm glad I didn't. So next time you have a twitch of NO, maybe you should say YES!!

1 comment:

M.E. Greene said...

True that. Sometimes it's good to say yes. As long as it's not the only word you say, right? :) I think it's best not to use too much of any one word (like yes or no or maybe). Best to shake things up a bit. Glad you enjoyed yourself after all!