Thursday, November 13, 2008

Chain Re"ACTION" - You Can't Plan These Things

Chain - A series of connected links.

Reaction - Any response caused by some other event.

Call it luck, coincidence, law of attraction or destiny, but when I reflect on events in my life I think about how if that hadn't of happened this wouldn't have happened. Magic is quite simple and natural.

Life as a precise, sequence of planned events is an illusion. Give is up, go with the flow, release your control freak. I mean how does it feel to plan out your day hour by hour and BAM something unexpected. What to do? My day turns out to be a complete failure.

I prefer to start each day with a general vision, based on a reminder list of what is most important to the bigger vision. If I had a strict set of to does I am sure recent chain reactions would not have happened in my life. Absent of a "to do" list I am not void of action. Expect the unexpected, take action, overcome fears, wait for the reaction, so goes the chain.

Here's a favorite chain (we have several chains and the chains intertwined)

  1. I felt like crap for two years.
  2. It got so bad that I finally went to the doctor for my "annual" (had been 2 1/2 years) stir up visit.
  3. Long story short, I had a hysterectomy
  4. 6 weeks away from work, on medical leave, and time to reflect on my life
  5. Hey! I wanted to be an interior designer
  6. Heard of the concept "Law of Attraction"
  7. Read a book "Mommy Millionaire"
  8. Learned I could learn new skills and loved the combination of my creativity and the freedom to make all the decisions
  9. Started a staging business
  10. Started to write short stories
  11. Joined Mommy Millionaire social network
  12. Met some really great women via the virtual world
  13. Set out with new visions of aligning my inner and outer purpose
  14. Met more women
  15. Started a newsletter
  16. Started a blog
  17. and the chain goes on and on

Within this general chain is the relationships with myself and other great people. Overcoming my fears, trusting myself and taking action is creating my strongest life chain.

Somewhere between flying by the seat of your pants and keeping your head down, missing those "oh yes" moments, are the moments that create a great chain re"Action".

Think about whether you are driving with your head in the map or reading the map first, driving, stopping for rest and fuel and getting back on the road with your eyes on the vision, ready to stop for more fuel, rest, inspiration or just a NEW map, if necessary.

ACTION ACTION ACTION your way to your strong life chain reACTION and remember go along your journey spreading joy, shreading fear and having fun, always keeping your eye on the vision.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Kim, I saw your blogg address on LWL and had to come over and check it out.
I love your philosophy! I love your ideas